Thursday, April 9, 2015

Demolition Darling 
Smash up the place with Money, Pills, Booze, Sex & lies!

 Now That I Have Your Attention:

 I would most graciously, yet shamelessly like to  make you aware of the resurgence of my blog site for your browsing delight. May your intrigue for unpredictable slightly off balanced, pan cultural, commentary on human reflections- poetic infusion flourish. Set  along-side a back drop of original photography, drawings, and artwork by the author herself                     
(Say what? aha!

So as I stumble across this intricate social media terrain.. 
Be it kind or tough, the connection and expression are enough .. However,
 I am stocking my silo with harvested grain. Believe That!

The inevitable contradiction of any  woman or man  is as distinct as her or his molecular structure. Each one with precise cellular composition has an array of thoughts, and actions.  This infinite potential for variation  is mirrored in culture and society .No single political party, social organization, economic classification, religious sect or ethnicity is monolithic.  

If a single pebble tossed into a pond creates 
a series of ripples that spreads across the ocean, 
then tear drop in the dessert must create an oasis. 


40 looks and sounds like determination. It tastes like patience and smells like forgiveness. An artist, placing creativity as the spirit's central  characteristic uses imagination to stretch, alter, innovate and comment on humanity's relationship with the planet and its inhabitants.  The irony is just when you get to the place where you  think you've got the answers, all of the questions change..

A boutique publishing house

A boutique publishing house

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ON SALE NOW- Click the Image to take you the on -line store